I’m teaching family relations

  June 12.2019

Family members and family tree are our topics for the younger classes this week. I’m teaching words like „nephew”, „niece”, „sister-in-law”, „brother-in-law”, „uncle”, „aunt”, etc. Plus telling the time. Gerund as object of verb and emotions for the older ones. Students will learn how to use the verbs „like”, „love”, „enjoy”, „hate”, plus the words ”sleepy”, „bored”, „funny”, „angry”, „happy”, „sad”, „frightened”, „nervous”. Requesting help and expressing admiration for the oldest ones.

What makes you happy? Teaching English to beginners is what makes me happy.

I’m teaching frequency adverbs and expressions of frequency

  June 5.2019

I’m teaching frequency adverbs and gerund as object of verb to the young ones. Who, What, Where questions are next, with Yes or No questions. Frequency adverbs and expressions of frequency for the older classes. Plus how to use the verb “like”. Describing people and apologising and accepting an apology for the end of the class.

Teaching begins

  May 29.2019

I’m teaching introduction and expressions of frequency. Who they are, what they like, what their favourite anything is, and how often they do things. The older classes are good at this topic. They can introduce themselves and they can talk about what they like.

We will have to write lesson plans for each class, which is taken for granted. Actually, I find it easier to teach if I have a good lesson plan. Writing a lesson plan is not time wasted, it’s an investment.

XIN CHÀO Vietnam

  March 20.2019

I’m in my beloved Vietnam. I’ve travelled in the country extensively in the past. I know the sights, I know the cuisine, I know the people. I actually know a Vietnamese English teacher who teaches at a private English school. They invited me as a guest teacher to join in some of the classes. The students are 7 to 8 years of age. All beginners. They are excited about my arrival. I introduce myself in English, they introduce themselves in English, then we sing some songs and play games. They can also ask questions. They are curious. Some vocabulary practice with flashcards ensues, and at the end we play ball outside. We make friends quickly. They would like to meet me again. Ok, I can teach some more English to them. They can practise their speaking and listening skills. Check out some of the photos.

It is public

  December 12.2018

Now the kindergarten children know that I am going to leave. They are sad, but they will get over it soon, I’m sure. We will miss each other. Seven more days in the kindergarten and the winter holiday begins. And I will not come back to them after that. I will begin to prepare for a new chapter in my life.

The graduates

  August 8.2018

Well, summer break is here and I had to say good bye to the seniors in my group. They have to move on, and I think they are looking forward to meeting new friends, playing with new toys and getting to know new teachers. One thing I’m sure of: they won’t have difficulties communicating in basic English. Their vocabulary is solid and their comprehension is great. I got some souvenirs from them, but I will still miss them. Good luck, dear graduates!

I’m a full-time English teacher!

  March 8.2018

Hello World! I’m a full-time English teacher!

It all began in 2011 in Thailand. I taught English to 5 to 10 year old Thai children and I loved it!