I made up my mind

  December 5.2018

I talked to the owner and managing director of the kindergarten where I work. It wasn’t easy. She really would like me to stay. I am torn. I really love the kids and my colleagues and I’ve learnt so much here. But my other half wants to go. I know if I don’t go soon, I will look at it as a lost opportunity. Teaching English abroad. Yes, I really want to do that. New kids are waiting for me there too. And we don’t burn the bridges…

Waiting for the snow

  November 28.2018

It hasn’t snowed yet this winter, but the weather is cold now. It amuses me that the kids I work with are so young that they find it difficult to find out how the seasons follow each other. They are so looking forward to the snow. They want to build a snowman. They’ll see that the snow can be really cold. They’ll have to put on gloves otherwise their tiny fingers will freeze.

A little secret for you

  November 21.2018

So here’s a little secret. Ever since I left Thailand in 2011 they contact me every year. They would like me to go back to teach English there. It’s a good feeling. I was also sent the contact information of some agencies that recruit English teachers for Thai schools. It would be an adventure for sure. Shall I go? Shall I stay?

I’m content with where I am right now, but I miss some adventure and travelling too. We’ll see…

Elf yourself

  November 14.2018

It has been decided. The kids will be Santa’s elves. They will wear a green t-shirt and a green hat. They (we) will present Santa’s work. The kids like the idea, and they are eager to learn the Christmas songs. There will be a lot of moving on the stage, so we will have to practise a lot. Also, there is a lot of decoration we will have to prepare, but we still have time. I wonder how it will work out. I’m sure it will be awsome.

There’s no stopping

  November 7.2018

Guess what! Christmas is the next holiday we have to prepare for. There will be a short performance by the kids for their families. All the relatives are welcome too. It’s time to start to learn some English Christmas songs. The Christmas cookie song will be great, just like Jingle bells, Santa Claus is coming to town, and Santa is his name-o. We still have to find a concept for the whole show, the set-up, and the costumes. No time to waste. Everything will be in English, of course.


Apples And Pumpkins

  October 31.2018

Pick the reddest apples and the best pumpkin of all. A Halloween story. And then get ready to trick or treat. We all dress up with the group as black cats and knock on some doors in the neighborhood. They’ve been expecting us. Well, with all the noise the children make in the garden every day, it is difficult to forget about the kindergarten. We get tangerines and bonbons. Everyone’s hand is full after our short walk. I help them peel the tangerine in the garden. After eating we go inside, wash our hands and teeth, and enjoy some free play.

Ten Apples Up On Top!

  October 24.2018

You can not stop the apple fun! The apples will not drop. Not one. The English children’s book Ten Apples Up On Top! is a funny story and a good foundation for maths with apples. Besides, Halloween is next week. We also learn about witches, what they do and how they do it.

The soup is boiling up is a great song to support the witch topic, and all kids’ favourite is Stirring stirring stirring the pot. They are learning English so fast with me!


Are you my mother?

  October 17.2018

Yet another wonderful story for very young learners of English. Are you my mother? Follow the story of a baby bird that is looking for his mother. He can not fly, but he can walk. But wait! He doesn’t know what his mother looks like! “Are you my mother?” – he asks all the animals he meets. But they all turn him down. Can he find his way back home? And can he find his mother?! After the story we talk about family and what we know about our family members, and where everyone lives.

Apart from the story and family relations, we started to prepare for Halloween. It will be here at the end of the month. There are new songs and rhymes to learn. The pumpkins are already on the doorstep.

My friends

  October 10.2018

How did you learn to walk? How did you learn to jump? How did you learn to climb? How did you learn to run? How did you learn to march? How did you learn to nap? How did you learn to smell the flowers? How did you learn to hide? How did you learn to explore the earth? How did you learn to kick? How did you learn to watch the night sky? How did you learn to sing? How did you learn to read? How did you learn to study? How did you learn to play? And most importantly, how did you learn to love?

This book is so sweet, no wonder the kids love it. I have to read it out every day. Plus it’s a great opportunity to learn about animals. What do they say? Where do they live? What colour are they? And what do they do?


I like me

  October 3.2018

The weather is rainy this week, very fitting to our repertoire: The hat song, If all the rain drops, Come under my umbrella, Itsy bitsy spider, I’m going to wear a sweater, It ain’t gonna rain no more no more, Little raindrops falling down, It’s raining it’s pouring, Rain rain go away, Stuck in the mud and The wind is full of tricks today. I read out the children’s book I like me every day. In craft we make an umbrella from paper plates. Some cutting, some gluing, some colouring, and it’s ready.