Feely bag

  July 18.2018

Feely bag – What is in your hand? Tell us in English. Noone can see it, because it is in a feely bag. How big is it? Is it hard or soft? What is it made of?

We are playing a memory game with fruit memory cards again becaue the kids enjoyed it so much last week.

Maths in English with prune and raisin. Put five raisins on the plate in front of you. Eat two. How many raisins do you have left? Now put three prunes on the plate. Eat one. How many prunes are there left? If you behave well, at the end of the lesson you can eat them all. Yummy!


Eating healthy in English

  July 11.2018

You are what you eat. What is good for you? What is bad for you? What is chocolate made of? Is it healthy? What is healthy food? We are learning about fruits and vegetables this week. They are good for your body. You will be strong, tall and healthy. We also try a memory game with fruit memory cards. Learning fruit vocabulary is fun!

We close the circle time with musical chair.


  July 4.2018

Who likes chocolate? Tina definitely does! Chocolatina is the next book we are reading together. How would you feel if one morning you woke up and saw that you had turned into chocolate? Would you cry a little chocolate syrup tear? It’s not easy being a chocolate girl.

Anyway, chocolate is a grateful topic. And don’t forget, if you eat chocolate, you have to brush your teeth afterwards. Accompanied by an English song: Brush, brush, brush your teeth…

Our secret project

  June 27.2018

A colleague will leave soon. We have now a secret project with the children: we are learning the Skinny Marinky song with the movements and preparing tissue paper craft. The kids are goint to perform it on our colleague’s last day and give her the tissue paper craft: a flower. They really enjoy the fact that we have a secret.

Otherwise we carry on with the regular English circle times and activities. It’s so hot these days we spend the mornings outside and plan indoors activities for mid-day.

Sea World

  June 20.2018

We spend more time outside in the garden now. We exercise there too. All instructions are in English. Maths: Count how many of each are in the picture. Octopus, squid, dolphin, whale, crab… There’s a small pool filled with water too. Let’s fold paper boats! How? Everyone get a sheet of paper and follow my moves. …Ready? Great! Let’s put them on the water! They won’t sink, don’t worry!

Over In The Ocean In A Coral Reef

  June 13.2018

It’s summer. Who would like to go to the beach? Come with us! We are working with the English children’s book Over In The Ocean In A Coral Reef. Let’s dive in! There are so many colourful, interesting creatures in the ocean: octopus, parrotfish, clownfish, stingray, pufferfish, dolphin, angelfish, needlefish, gruntfish and seahorse. Let’s see how they play over in the ocean. You can practise numbers too from one to ten.

The Very Lazy Ladybird

  June 6.2018

This week we are working with The Very Lazy Ladybird children’s book. It’s a story of a ladybird that likes to sleep all day and all night. She is so lazy she doesn’t know how to fly. Looking for a place to sleep she meets a kangaroo, a tiger, a crocodile, a monkey, a bear, a tortoise and an elephant. There are so many interesting animals in this story! Does the ladybird learn how to fly? Read the story…


The bugs’ universe

  May 30.2018

Fantasy is an inexhaustible source of fun. During physical education the children transform into bugs: they crawl like daddy longlegs, hop like grasshoppers, fly like butterflies and roll like roly-poly bugs. Then some of them can transform into frogs that want to catch flies.

We keep learning about bugs. We put out sugar in the garden for the ants, and went back to check out what they did with it. Teaching English to kids is so much fun!

Maths with bugs

  May 23.2018

This week we are focusing on maths. I printed and cut out different kinds of bugs and a huge paper jar for each kid.  How many bugs are there in the jar? How many dots do the ladybugs have? The kids practise numbers. How about a maze for craft? The bee would like to find the honey.

The weather is really great so we do a tour in the garden looking for the different kinds of bugs they already know. By next week they will have learnt all the features in the book.

Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!

  May 16.2018

Summer is approaching. It’s time to learn about bugs! The kids will colour butterfly and ladybug templates. I will read out the book Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! It’s an English book for young kids. They can meet butterflies, ladybugs, daddy longlegs, grasshoppers, caterpillar, bees, ants and roly-poly bugs in the book. There’s also a lot to learn. Can they fly? Where do they live? How many legs do they have? Do they sting? By June they will know all of this! I am going to teach them!